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What went wrong in Nepal’s Politics

This is my first blog on my site I have started this blog site of my own to post my thoughts and feelings. Lots of things go in my mind, some are rubbish and some are which I think are good. All these things that happens in my mind always stayed inside my mind, they never came out, so I thought blog site will be the best to put on my thoughts and feelings so that the whole world can read it, analyze it, give me feed back and some can implement it for their own life.

I really love to give comments and thought on current affairs, especially what happening in today’s NEPAL, my homeland, my beloved country, because of the dirty politics, this country turned into hell from heaven. Lots of politicians came in and went out, every one promised to make this small country what it used to be called KINGDOM OF NEPAL ( Sounds so sweet and lovely ) into Switzerland, Singapore but no one could make it, yeah off course they made their personal life from normal Nepali standard to European standard. Now they are in a verge to change old Nepal into new Nepal.

What I think is it is just going to be a paper work, it will just be written NEW NEPAL, and every thing will be old and remain old, Documents will be new, ministers will be new, might be the new party (claimed by themselves as they are the biggest party of Nepal at present) rule the country, they might send the Royal Highness to exile, but nothing going to happen to this tiny country.

There is still war going on, what Nepal should be named? PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF NEPAL or just REPUBLIC OF NEPAL? I want to question, why are we stuck on this. This is not going to solve Nepal. Maoists have already started what we all Nepalese did not want. They just seeded such a seed in Nepal that it is going to destroy Nepal into many parts. They divided Nepal into Terai, Churebhawar, Newa Pradesh, Tamu Pradesh. For the political benefit they just destroyed the closeness which used to have in people of Nepal. We were proud to call our self NEPALI few years back, but now people themselves love to call them as madhesi, pahadi, tamu, tharu, newar, dalit, janjaati etc.

( The views below this line are specially for Prachanda, Maoist leader)

Are these the things we wanted in Nepal? Ok Prachanda ji, was this you dream of new Nepal, dividing Nepal into hundred parts. Who is going to work as a fire brigade to put off the fire from terai ? The people who are active in terai are your products. Was that the lesson you gave them, was that the dream of new Nepal you showed them?

I am sure, of course not, that was not your dream. Your biggest fault was you used arms before time; you wanted to work like SHINING PATH of Peru at the time when they failed in Peru. By that time you should have known that arms are not the solution to the problem.

If I were you, I would not have used arms. Just look at Ghandi, why is he so respected through out the world, there were freedom fighter in India before him too, but they are always placed below him. Why? Because he never used arms, he used his brain.

You just took Nepal 100 years back now Prachanda ji.

At present Nepali needs good education and infrastructure for development. Instead of giving arms to those innocent children’s, you could have given them good education, in 10 years time new generation of good educated generation would have born. You went to village with arms , if you had gone with books, these people would have been not just literate but educated too. These students you made in villages would have really made good impact for this nation and it’s development. Who knew, if your party was now in election, with the votes of these people ( who were children’s 10 yrs back ) you could have got majority in parliament and then you could have started on your dream projects to develop Nepal, increase Nepal’s economy, people’s living standard Now I don’t think any educated people trust you or your party, and with the many improper, illegal activities done my your parties YCL ( young communist league) really gave people like us a bad impression. There is still time for you and your party to start doing some internal homework and present yourself to Nepali people that you are here to do good works, not just killing and dividing this country. We don’t want to see another civil war in Nepal, Let’s all we Nepali work together to develop this heaven, let’s once again work together to make it Peaceful country.

Jai Desh, Jai Nepal.

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