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Nepal and Progress Of Nepali

At present, if we go through our country Nepal’s condition, it is the worst condition that general public faced. No doubt the lives of the villagers were worst, but now the people living in the cities are having the worst time of their life.

Every day we are having protest and rallies which has been disturbing the traffic movement, no gasoline for vehicles and cooking, Riots for small cause. It’s really unsafe to walk even, you don’t know when riots will start and you have to run to save your life.

We really are not able to move ahead for the development of the country, after the 1991 people’s movement, when King Birendra gave power to the public, people could see some rays showing path for the development of the Nation, but before the development could take its full speed, many obstacle came. No political stability, the Maoist insurgency, Massacre in Royal Place. These are the major problem that Nepal faced after King handed democracy to the nation.

We have been hearing the saying “ROME WAS NOT BUILD IN ONE DAY”, exactly we cannot progress over night and give Nepal a status of develop country. We cannot dream Nepal moving towards progress until and unless there is a stable government, Peace in the country and a good law system.

I never understood why the Maoist started their so called people’s war so early after we were handed democracy by the king. I can’t imagine our government is able to make roads to all the remote area , skyscrapers (identity of a develop and industrial country) all over the city, Bridges over all major roads, Telecommunication, Drinking water Supply, Electricity to all the Nepalese in 5 years time. Even at that time if Baburam or Prachanda’s party were in the government with majority, they would not have been able to do all these things in 5 years term as Nepal lack infrastructure, manpower, technicians and money the essentials things for development.

The Maoist’s move is the dark chapter in Nepal’s progress; the unstable governments of Nepali congress, CPN UML and so called royalist party for all these year are the other obstacle we faced in Nepal’s progress. No doubt the minister, politician, corrupt government officials really earned lots of name and fame, they develop their financial status. The person who used to walk with sandal even had no money to buy a bicycle before 1991 people movement now ride the most expensive vehicle in Nepal.

Almost 2 years ago when Maoist compromise to come in main stream politics, all Nepali were happy, they thought now we will have long term peace, our nation once again without any obstacle will move in the path of progress, but now since the Maoist are out of the government, they want to disturb the CA polls. Our dream of getting peace once again drift away.New problems in terai going on, one terai group ready for peace then new group forms against the government.

Just few days back another problem strike the nation; it really made us guilty of calling our self peace lover Nepali. I hope many of you know the incident of Rupandehi and Taulihawa, now that fire has reached to Dang and Nepalgunj. We might have religious our, community war. We are in the stage of losing the identity of being Nepali now.

Now it’s time for all the Nepali people, without supporting any political parties request all these people who have claim them self that they can run the country, bring peace in the nation, develop Nepal and to stop all these dirty political game, think about the general people, think about the promises they made in each election . They are supposed to be there in the parliament for the betterment of the nation and public, not for their own betterment and to get unwanted power.

If I was in Girija Prasad Koirala’s place at present I would have really request all the political parties including the royalist, People from terai, dalits, limbuwan and all other community living in Nepal and including the king have a round table talk for the betterment of the nation and everyone should learn to compromise for the better future of Nepal.

May be some people might say why to include King, I think we still need king , a ceremonial king not a political power gifted king. There are still people who follow the king, who are loyal to him and I do not want another war in Nepal. I think king is still in a position to gain power though these 8 parties says that his power is taken off. We do not want another king’s movement to get power back and people suffer again and get back to these days where they cannot sleep with peace. Let’s give king his position, make him happy too and start our move towards the progress. Why the present government making happy the Maoist only and fulfilling all their demands?

Have we realized ever and think about the past, why King Gyanendra was forced take the power and run his own government? There were so many opportunities for all the political power to bring peace in Nepal, no one succeeded, even the Maoist played game with the government at that time, betrayed the government in many occasion, we know that very well. What wrong did the king did, he also took a chance to bring peace in Nepal but he too failed.

And off course about taking action to the people who were active to suppress the people movement, every government would have taken that action to bring the life into normal at that moment. If the Maoist thinks that Kamal Thapa, Army Chief and other who were named by the Rayemajhi aayog should be punished, then who is going to punish the Maoist leader? They killed 13000 innocent people in the name of people’s war. So please stop saying that they will take action against these people, what if the Maoist suffer people ask the government to take action against these Maoist leader for making their life hell. I think many people still remember that Bus incident in Chitwan which was blasted by the bomb by Maoist and the bus which was put on to fire with people inside the bus. The killing of innocent people in front of their family. These are the devilish work. I don’t think government did such devilish work at the time of people’s movement.

If i was in Girija Prasad Koirala’s place at present i would have really request all the political parties including the royalist, People from terai, dalits, limbuwan and all other community living in Nepal and including the king have a round table talk for the betterment of the nation and every one should learn to compromise for the better future of Nepal.

May be some people might say why to include King, i think we still need king , a ceremonial king not a political power gifted king. There are still people who follow the king, who are loyal to him and i do not want another war in Nepal. I think king is still in a position to gain power how much these 8 parties says that his power is taken off. We do not want another kings movement and people get back to these days where they can’t sleep with peace. Let’s give king his position, make him happy too and start our move towards the progress.

Maoist please don’t run away from the CA polls, give hand in hand for the development of the nation and peace, no worries even if u loose this election, you will get another chance to prove your self with out arms. If you want to get into power easily, that will be your wrong decision, as you have already seen in 10 years long people’s war that arms are not the only tool to get the power.

Unstable government bata nepal lai rakshya gara, Safe Nepal from unstable government and let’s pray for the stable government who will work for the progress of Nepal.

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