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Is the Nepali Political Drama going to have THE END?

It seems like the drama of Nepal’s politic is going to have THE END very soon. Since the Maoist big mouths have spoke out that they need to coordinate with the royalist people for the long term peace, progress of Nepal and to bring the dream of NEW NEPAL into reality. 

I have been saying about Round Table Talk of 7 parties, royalist parties and the King since the success of the 2nd people’s movement. May be my voice was not heard that time, even i have posted about it on BBC’s website ” Have Your Say” and they even called me up that interview me about it. I have posted that in my earlier post. (CLick here to read from BBC’s website) 

Now I think Maoist already know that without the help of the royalist they cannot have peace in Nepal. I am sure someday soon the remaining parties will also come in front and say ” yes, Prachanda ji is now right, we did a big mistake by not  involving them”. What we general people want is that we need peace in our country, we want to walk safe.

IF there is a tie between the royal place and the Maoist, or whatever, we don’t know the reality why Prachanda said so at this moment. In the name of breaking the deadlock of this political crisis, he put out this strategy. 

In my opinion, do whatever, but make the environment so that each single Nepali feels safe and walk with their head up. We don’t want the any foreigner pointing his finger at us. Hope the royalist will be happy with this move from Prachanda and help the 7 parties to restore peace in Nepal. But something always come to my mind, are we going to get back the same Nepal before the Maoist insurgency?  1. I fear we might have a religious war, why? Was there the need to make Nepal a secular country? There are still so many democratic countries with Muslim, Buddhist and Christian religion as their national religion. what was the need to make Nepal  secular country, I never heard people having fight in Nepal on religion. Buddhist in Nepal pray Hindu gods, there are Christian missionaries working freely without any obstacles, Muslim are not stopped from reading Quran, and every year Nepal’s government have helped for people who want to go Mecca  Medina for Hajj. Making Nepal a secular country they have made many Hindu angry coz still 80% citizen of Nepal is Hindu. Our what used to be called as national God, Sri Pashupati  Nath, is also called Kirateshwore Mahadev, which shows that it is worshipped by the kirats too. 

2. Will king stay quiet? Won’t he try to regain his power, at least he will try his best to regain it even if he has to flee after that or die. What will be the scenario of that time? At present in Nepal if you have money it is easy to do anything, any one will help you, so king has money and support, so who knows some people go after money and support him. 3. I never heard that the victims of the Maoist insurgency have been helped out, what we hear is verbal. Neither they brought new land law, nor do they return it to their owner. They say that victims driven from houses can return home, but when they go they are not allowed to stay. What happens if their anger becomes violent? What will be the scenario? 

4. There are so many people killed and many are still unknown. The government and the e Maoist have not addressed them yet well, who is going to heal their internal wound they got after losing their loved one. Maoist, police, army or general public, Just saying Sorry won’t heal their wound. They should address them properly, help them in every aspect, else their anger will bring another unhappy community which might affect our peace progress.  5. People’s right should be protected, who the hell are these 7 parties to take away our rights and decide about the republic directly from parliament. The current parliament is not people’s parliament; it is just a compromised parliament who has no rights to take public rights and decide it right away saying that it is people demand. It might bring another revolt in the country; IT should be decided by the parliament which is established after the constitution polls. 

I hope our politician will learn to see the long term effects and work on the peace progress for long term and take good decision and conduct constitution polls soon.

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