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A visit to Metro Walk

I am still in Delhi and exploring every thing in this metropolitan. From the beggars to richest people of the world, from Metro train to rickshaw, from Rolls Royce to bull carts on the Delhi street.

Welcome to Metro Walk

Today I went to metro walk, a fun amusement park. It has some thrilling game; the one I tried was really heart attack giver.

Any way guys, there are much bigger Fun Park in the world then this one. I was just thinking when we will be able to see such parks with international level amusement games in Nepal.
Still we do not have some good parks in Kathmandu, the parks we had are endangered. I don’t know when the government will like to change it to a mall or some financial center. The one we have are not well managed too, and thinking of such amusement park is beyond my thoughts.

But still I hope one day it will be there too, we don’t need to wait to go abroad like nearest places like Bangkok, Delhi to visit such parks like now a days.

Chill guys, if you have not visited such parks and enjoy here in my blog with the pictures.

Entry Tickets

A Kid dancing in the railway station

I wish I could Fly

Help! Help! I’m upside down

Fun with water

I’m tired

Exit time

See you guys next time.

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