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Playing which childhood game you grew up?

I was watching one comedy show on television called “Tarak Meheta Ka Ulta Chasma”. It was showing a story on how the kids utilizing their free time? All the physical games of the kids are taken away by electronic games like computers, internet, psp, ps2 Xbox and mobiles, some with games like OJO at BoomTown even.

Have you seen now a days that the kids playing physical games? You have hardly seen them engage with some physical activities, may be 10 % of total population of kids you can see playing outdoor games.

I met one of my friend’s child he was having few stones, I told him that we used to play seven stones with those kinds of stones and to his surprise he asked me, what is SEVEN STONE? I was shocked he doesn’t know seven stone, and it used to be one of the physical and fun games we used to play.

Remember what we used to play, the games with rhymes. Intumintu London ma hamro bhai paltan ma, yeti yeti pani gange rani beside that choor police used to be simply the best game at that time for me. I hope many of you have forgot the rules of dandibiyo. What you think about Chungi?

Have you seen kids playing marbles now? I ask myself dose marbles exist anymore in the market?

I am sure you guys went back to childhood now and thinking about your childhood days, childhood friends and that environment.

At the time of our grandchildren they will be playing games just inside a room with out any physical activities may be just by electromagnetic signals, may be they will play the electronic games with eye contact only, may be they don’t have to press joy pad buttons as now a day’s kids press while playing electronic games.

It is our time now to refresh all these games and introduce it to this new genre of kids so that they can pass it to our future generation. May be due to many reasons these types of games are fading away. I have not been to village recently so I have no idea if these games still alive there, but in cities like Kathmandu, due to some reason that could be security of kids as many kidnapping case came to media, lack of grounds, growth of population and people not letting their kids to get out of the door and get in touch with unknown family.

But still I hope school should take some steps so that kids play such physical games at school and home which I think keeps them healthy.

Any way guys wish to get some comments on your child hood memorable incident and games.

And I hope at least you guys will make your kids nephew and small brothers and sisters play such physical games.

P.S if you happen to click picture of kids playing any game that you played in childhood then please send me so that i can post that picture here
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