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For the change Nepal unites, what is your opinion?

For past few months “For the change Nepal unites” is a popular slogan among the Facebook users of Nepal. As the wind of change wave hit the Middle East for last few month, Nepalese citizen who are aware of what their politicians are doing for the country also thought they need to do something to save the country and started gathering around the constitutional assembly (CA) building at New Baneshwore. Right now I am not in Nepal but on their  first day of protest at CA building I also took  part.

Now this Slogan just did not gather around CA house to aware the politicians, but these enthusiast and energetic youth of Nepal have started a movement to make the people aware saying “We can and We will do it”. This movement has been showing other Nepalese that we are not a citizen of a handicap country; if we have ‘will’ then we can do it.

I hope you know the Bagmati bridge which joins Lalitpur and Kathmandu at Kopundole, when that bridge was build, it was so beautiful it was made from red bricks, I even went there and took a photo. But later after the Maoist came into main stream politics, they made it’s wall and hotel Himalaya wall a place to write down their message and slogans. It looked so dirty and no one was able to ask them to not to make them dirty. I myself did not have courage to ask the Maoist cadres to not to write it as it makes the wall dirty. But now this movement from the youths of Nepal clear up the dirt from the walls of the Bagmati river bridge and hotel Himalaya wall. Actually there were many slogans which was bringing distance between the Nepalese, these messages were full of racial discrimination.

This shows that now youths of Nepal can unite for anything that brings better changes for the country and they are not afraid of any political party nor affiliated to any of them. Few years back when people of Kopundole protested the Maoist request to let their cadres stays in people house for a week for their rally, these cadres attacked the locals with weapons like Khukuri and knives.

This is just a start for the changes, we still need to do many things. We need to stop the migration of Nepalese from village to Kathmandu and abroad, we need to create job for the people and have an industrial revolution so that the country stand on its own feet and the government does not need to fall on its knee with the donor country for grants and loans. To do so we need to be economically strong.

Friends now it’s time for us to save our domestic products and industry and make people feel that we can have a better life in our own motherland by working here. I heard that many small businesses are closing down due to lack of the labors and there is not enough market for these businesses to sustain in Nepal.

So what can we do to promote our entrepreneurs to not to shut their businesses and encourage new entrepreneurs to start new business? Can we promise ourselves that we will not use imported products and try to use products made in Nepal ? Or use only those imported items which are not made by any Nepali business house.  Don’t you think this will bring lots of changes in Nepal economically?

This is just my thought, since we all want changes in Nepal, we do not want to be called as a 3rd world country citizen as we know we are rich in ourselves. We just need an opportunity to show the world that we are not far behind them. A single changes creates a chain reaction, change in one thing will affect the whole system. So guys I request you all to promote MADE IN NEPAL products if we need change in the country.

We cannot see the economic change in rapid way but I feel that in 4 to 5 years’ time we can feel the difference. We have already faced the hard times, saw two big people’s movement  and Maoist insurgency, so  let’s not show the same things to our children in future.

Jai Nepal

Say it once again For the change Nepal Unites

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