Aug 14

This was Publish on on Tuesday, 21 November 2006.

We don’t want some in-between agreement. We want something that will last.

I think the royalist party in Nepal must be included in the new government. They are one of the biggest political parties in the country. They haven’t taken part in the talks – but their concerns must definitely be considered.

If we don’t include the royalists, we might see another civil war. Nepal might become another Iraq or Afghanistan.
The king should remain as a ceremonial figurehead but not a figure with real political power. Our prime minister has done a good job, because he thinks the king still has a role to play. After all, he is the only remaining Hindu king in the world.

Everyone is eager to condemn the excessive force used by the king in the protests earlier this year. But what about the Maoists?
Where I live, we protested against the Maoists just last week because they were asking locals to house guerrillas.

If the new parliament charges the king, it must also charge [rebel leader] Prachanda and the Maoists for the people they killed over the last decade.

But for long-term peace, we must forget the past and everybody must work together – and pray for the peace in this country.

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