Nov 02

Entertainment portals are one of the most visited website in Nepal. The websites mentioned in the title are one of the top entertainment portals. These sites promote aspiring new models in the field of entertainment, glamor and fashion. But now-a-days what we see is these website are going towards more flesh and nudity. We can say it’s the first stage towards complete nudity soon that they might post picture with total nudity in public website and underage website viewers, without any age verification to their website, can easily access these content.

There is an unannounced competition going between websites in Nepal. They are in a race so as to which website can show more flesh and more towards nudity.

These website are called fresh entertainment website in Nepal. Website like cybersansar and thikthak are one of the best rated Nepali website and every one visit them. Even kids who have just started learning computer and know about internet and website are regular visitors to these sites.

The contents which they have started posting in their site now-a-days, in my opinion they have to rate them and make it 18+. I wonder what impact it will make on the small and underage kids? have the webmasters of this website ever thought of that. They are supposed to be a Nepali website with quality contents with lots of entertainment. Does entertainment means more flesh and more nudity, seeing girl’s in suggestive poses and nude body? are these a just for men website? If they really want to make some adult only or adult entertainment site then they should rate them, make age verification to see such picture.

I am not against the website, I just want to make it safe from children. The photos posted recently in the website certainly does differentiate modeling, glamor, fashion or something else? These website are supposed to make for the promotion of aspiring and established models and fashion as a whole.

I want to ask some question to these woman organizations that brings people and stage protest against the contest like Miss Nepal. Miss Nepal is a beauty Pageant contest where just not woman outer beauty is judge, they judge entire of her, but some woman organization thinks it is a sale of woman’s soul. Now when we look at these website, where is woman soul gone? Aren’t they aware of such websites? Even in the weekly newspaper like Saptahik (the one I noticed was the blowup picture of October 19th 2007) published such little more exposed picture and in suggestive poses in their recent publication in the name of modeling.

I think in these websites there is more nudity than what we (in their opinion) see nudity in the Miss Nepal competitions.

If any of the webmasters of the above mentioned websites get to visit my blog then please do not take it negatively. But please make it safe for kids. I think the photos that you have posted are really objecting as for public in website like yours which are really popular and people think these website are for fresh entertainment and not for nudity. Or you can make a verification section in your website and verify the user’s age and then only allow them to view a bit exposed content. I want to request the webmaster of to control and monitor some of the contents in his website.

Happy Browsing to all.

7 Responses to “Competition between and”

  1. prakash Says:

    it seemd u also lok in, wy u don lik to see hot models, we lik to see very much. if u don lik then don see and keep quiet.

    kam see kum hami lai ta herna deu yar

  2. sangesh Says:


    did i said don’t watch?
    just imagine your 10 old son is watchign a Porn picture, how will it feel you, what effect it will have on your kid?
    i said it should me monitor, not banded ok, read the whole story and give comment, just don’t comment on blank

  3. deshman Says:

    i have no objection to cybersansar and thikthak showing their models to the point of nudity. web is accessible to all. you can even watch complete nudity to hardcore porn free of cost and restriction on sites hosted by others, beside nepali.

    so why object to cybersansar and thikthak. few years back i use to surf for models on foreign websites only. now i have stopped visting other websites except for nepali. it is better and i feel proud. even though, we are undeveloped, at least we have something to be proud of and isn’t it a sign of change and time. it is whether you like it or not. you have to accept it.

  4. harish Says:

    I recently found another website with nepali models. its preety cool with rating system ;

    Its light and fast than cybersansar or thinkthak !

  5. Freedom of expose to Nepali models and the need of 18+ rated website Says:

    […] entertainment website are access by all age group, as I have mention on my previous blog also that they need to age verification now, if they can not do age verification or the Nepal […]

  6. Kids Search Engine Says:

    Thanks for the sharing. We were looking for this!

  7. Freedom of expose to Nepali models and the need of 18+ rated website | Says:

    […] entertainment website are access by all age group, as I have mention on my previous blog also that they need to age verification now, if they can not do age verification or the Nepal […]

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