May 26


Nadir Karim is bowled by Mahaboob Alam

It was one of the great moments in the history of Nepali sports. Nepal’s cricket teams bowler Mahaboob Alam took all the 10 wickets ongoing ICC World Cricket League against Mozambique. This tournament is road to 2011 ICC cricket world cup.

This news should have been the headline, in front page of every Nepali daily news paper. The official ICC website has praise on this achievement, but our news papers did not show any interested, they have a news but not as a blow up or head line news. I don’t know why sports are always treated like this. Does the front page always need to be on politics and politicians? Why such players aren’t given more expose so that they get excited and give good performance in coming days. Players are the real heroes of the country who play for the pride of the nation.



News 2

One Response to “Well Done Mahaboob Alam”

  1. mahaboob attar Says:

    well done………………………….

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