Oct 30

Kartick Naach - Avatar

The Avatars in Kartik Naach

I thought to capture every day activities of this year Kartik Naach at Patan Durbar Square, but not lucky enough. Today is the 3rd last day of this festival.

Saturday is the last day where the narshimha avatar dance will be perform. It is the main day where you can see lots of traditional dances and a musical drama of narshimha avatar.

If you have never attended this function then please be at Mangalbazar at 8 pm on October 31 2009.

Till then enjoy some moments I capture.

Kartick Naach - Time Table


Kartick Naach - peanuts

you know why peanuts are sold here at night ? i need comments on this

Kartick Naach - Watching

All age group finds it interesting, see the crowd

Kartick Naach - Dance 1

Kartick Naach - Dance 2

Kartick Naach - Dance 3

Kartick Naach - Dancers

Kartick Naach - Spectetors

5 Responses to “Kartik Naach 2009”

  1. Nayalahure Says:

    Very nice photos of Kartik naach. Thank you for posting them.

  2. Basanta Says:

    Good pics! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Aakar Says:

    Great snaps bro…Anyway, happy to see your snaps after a long time…haha

  4. Sandesh Pradhan Says:

    I like the pics…..keep it up….

  5. Moneesha Says:

    wow…never seen these kind of events..wish to see them in future..nice ones!!!

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