May 03

Who will say this is Bagmati River ?

What is happening with the holy Bagmati river? We don’t see water flowing. Land over which it used to flow previously has been converted into Public Parks and some of these land has been capture by the so called sukumbasi (people without land and house). It is one of the holy river.

What we see in Bagmati river now? We only see sewage flowing there now. It has turned into a public dumping site. If you once stop over the Thapathali – Kopundole bridge or any bridge to cross the Bagmati river, you will see only black water with lots of plastic bags and other debris.

Hope in near future we will not see big building over that empty field which is the part of river separated for UN Park

What have we saved for the future generation on Bagmati? It is already a fairy tale to the kids that people used to once drink water from Bagmati river, used to wash cloths and a 1 and a half decade ago we could see people swim happily there. They might stretch their eye in surprise.

Who is responsible for all these? It is one of the human made disasters, a city planning gone seriously wrong and poor governance.

I heard that there are some NGO’s workings on improvement of Bagmati and save its culture. In recent days, the Indian Government is providing some fund for improving its condition. We surely hope to see some good changes and that the Bagmati returning to it’s original state.

People who have not seen Bagmati for at least 15 years, I am sure they will cry seeing these pictures of Bagmati. We human have made a nature’s beauty into a dumping site.

My Tear Drops for the holy river Bagmati.

Do you think these cows are Healthy ?

If this place was a part of any developed country, it would have been a tourist attraction place where you could have seen people taking pictures

In near future we will not need bridge to cross this river

9 Responses to “My Tear Drops for holy river Bagmati”

  1. Aakar Says:

    Oh ! yes… Picture touches somewhere…

  2. Jayesh Rajkarnikar Says:

    I have also taken few pictures of Bagmati river where people are taking out sands from it. I’d like you to add those in this blog as well.

  3. Jayesh Rajkarnikar Says:

    This shows how things go wrong. I still remember the water level was upto first step of the river bank. We could clearly see the coins at the bottom of the river.
    Even we used to go to Dhobi Khola (Maiti Devi) and swim at the shores only. Because I didn’t know how to swim and was afraid of the water current. The water flowing used to be so clear….. I can’t express how bad it feels to see now.

  4. Purna Man Says:

    Who will ever belive that I spent my most of childhood days fishing in Bishnumati river?

  5. Luna Says:

    ?? ????? 🙁

  6. Luna Says:

    ?? ????? 🙁

  7. Dolraj Paudyal Says:

    Pure Bagmati seems possible. There needs more programs and appropriate programs. Need a discussion. Effective programs should be lunched. One of the main program should be bio-digester for organic waste. Chemical waste should be treated beforehand. Should be rules for the industries.

  8. Er. RK Shrestha Says:

    We are preparing to make Bagmati River clean and neat.

  9. Finally Bagmati river gets back it’s land | Says:

    […] My tear drops to holy River Bagmati […]

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