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Ha Long Bay – World Heritage site

Beauty of Ha long bay

Seems like traveling is going to be my passion now, as I love doing photography it always takes me to new area, new faces and new landscapes; without traveling I cannot get all of them. This time I am in Hanoi, Vietnam for my Clinical placement and I did some city tour right after got my visa on arrival to Vietnam, but I did not find that wow factor in this city. I was in search of new destination just for my photography. I was suggested two places to go Ha Long Bay and Sapa. For this time due to time constraint I chose Ha long Bay. UNESCO has recognized it as a “World Heritage Site”.

I hate to travel alone so I was looking for someone to join me for this trip. Luckily for me, on Friday 20th September evening, I got a message from one of my friend from photography circle Mr. Abhishek Shah dai mentioning that one of our another photography circle  friend Mr. Sunny Thapa is traveling to Hanoi and we can meet up and do some photography together. It was a good news for me. So the same day I talked to Mr. Sunny and we planned to go to Ha Long Bay Sunday afternoon.

I think Ha Long Bay is one of the cheapest travel destination as for all trip with 1 night stay over the cruise, we just had to pay 75 USD each. We were having doubt about the weather as it was raining  just a day before and there was a super hurricane on the way to coastal line of Hong Kong and moving towards this area . As we reached there, we had a dull face as we saw the sky was dull. But we hoped, as we sail inside the bay, it might get better. We met a couple from Australia who introduce themselves to us as they came to know that we are from Nepal. Mr. Tony was sharing his entire story about traveling south Asia during hippie era. He shared his experience of traveling Nepal and Afghanistan during mid-70’s and how they fell in love with Nepal and its beauty.

Sunny enjoying the scenic view of bay

We did not find weather getting any better but still we enjoyed sailing around the bay with all these spectacular landscape, the ones we dreamed of while watching some Hollywood movies. We went to see the cave in one of the hill, did kayaking and swam for sometime. Sunny was lucky enough to catch a Squid while fishing.

The most fascinating moment came next morning when I saw some kayak entering from a small passage under one of the hill which looked like cave. We were curious what was inside there. Our tour guide informed us that it’s a special place where only lucky people can go as in high and low tides it is impossible to enter that place through that cave. We were informed that we could go inside that day.

It was just WOW when we went inside, it was spectacular never been to such place. Just another paradise for me in this earth after Annapurna Base Camp. It was surrounded by the hill, only that passage was in and out to that place.

Even though the sky was dull, weather was gloomy we tried our best to capture some of the moment. I want to share some of them with you here. Hope you guys will like it.

Is she dancing ?

Floating Village

Muwaah, Just love the beauty

No words to describe, just wanna watch until eye get tired

Floating life

Top view of the bay

Cave at the bay

Playing with the lights

It’s fun to kayak under the cave and enter this place

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