Jan 04

The Rock Pub, Bangkok

Without music, life would be dull. Music has all the taste according to your mood. When there is a celebration time, music is always on, and guess what people says? Let’s rock man. Bangkok city is full of entertainment of all kinds. It is your choice which one you would love to take as your source of entertainment.

I have always been a rocker. Since the first day I have came to Bangkok, I always looked for a place where they have live music or a place where they play rock music. At the beginning of my days in Bangkok, I was somewhat frustrated, as I did not go out too much and so had no idea where they play such type of music which was according to my taste.

I have been to Khao San Road, a bag packer’s heaven in Bangkok a couple of times during my first 2 year stay in Bangkok. I saw some live music in pubs, but they never attracted me. I never went inside a pub as I felt it was dull as mostly they were a one-man band. The other reason was I did not have any one alike who can enjoy live music.

Few months backs, my Friend Ms. Rubina asked me to join with her for a live music pub at The Roof Top Bar at Khao San Road. I had heard about this place but I never tried it as I don’t like to go to pubs alone. The environment inside was nice and we did enjoy the live music though it was a one man performance.

I felt, the live music in the pubs of Thamel, Kathmandu are much better than out here. I always felt there must be some good pubs in Bangkok who have live bands with rock and heavy metal music. My search for real live band rock pub was over when I saw a pub named The Rock Pub at Ratchathewi BTS station. I planed that soon I will be there to enjoy my taste of music.

On New Year’s Eve, I had some plans with my friends, but due to some miscommunication or misunderstanding it was called off. Some friends did have program for the evening but I was left out. I had nothing to do, but I wanted to celebrate the evening as my exam were also over. For the first time I planned to go to the pub all alone and enjoy the music.

I posted a Facebook status if anyone wanted to join me for live music at The Rock Pub. My friend Mr. Karn responded to my status and he joined me. For me the environment inside the pub was majestic. A small stage and chairs and table around. The sound was electrifying; you cannot ignore to shake your head. It was almost after a long time may be 4 years that I was enjoying live music of my taste, the songs that they were playing were the ones I love to sing and enjoy.

As we had the New Years’ countdown, a young guy appeared on the stage and introduced himself as the 2nd generation owner of the pub. It had been 26 years that the pub has been serving rockers with good food, drinks and live music. The good thing about this guy was, he himself was a head banger who could play guitar, drum and sing too. He started the New Year by singing “Ace of Spades” from Motorhead. There are almost half a dozen of local bands who perform regularly in this pub and they give you every taste of rock genre.

As the bands played some Grunge to Heavy Metal, I enjoyed drinking and singing, Smells like teen spirit, Sweet Child o’ Mine, I was made for loving you, Iron Man, Paranoid and the list went on and on until the early morning of new day of  2014.

Every Head Bangers and Hard rock fan who visit Bangkok, I would recommend them to visit this pub at least once. You will not regret to be here the The Rock Pub.

Performance by the Owner in vocals, Motorhead – Ace of Spades

Sweet Child of Mine – Mundee

Still Got the Blues – Mundee

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