Dec 06

Things are changing real fast in today’s world. Technology has developed so much that each day we can feel the change. It took a long way for mankind to reach at this stage. Technology has taken a big leap in the field of communication. Up until a decade ago email and mobile phones were much in reach of people. Letters through postage were the cheapest means of communication and expensive long distance telephone call to talk to your loved ones were expensive.
During the past few years, cheap internet access and smart phones have changed the way people communicate.

Here I am not going to talk about these modern means of communication, but the old ones which kept people in touch for very long time. It was the one that kept family and friends close enough across boundaries. It’s the one that people had to wait for months to get response from their loved one once they send their letters.

Letter box, Kathmandu Nepal

Senario at Sundhara infront of International Post Office

In some countries the delivery of letters through post office are already outdated and no longer in operation. The latest one is our neighbouring country India. However, in Nepal, it still in operation in small extent. Once, there used to be lots of letter boxes on the streets of Kathmandu and somehow they still have found a place in some parts of the city. Today, while I was walking around at Sundhara and Basantapur, I found two letter box, and both of them have two different stories to tell. I felt bad when I saw them. Below the picture speaks itself.

The first picture was taken at Sundhara near tempo stand. There is no cover and people are using it as a dustbin. In the second picture which was taken at Basantapur, it appears to be well maintained but someone tried to put a tissue paper inside it.
letter box kathmandu nepal

Letter box at Basantapur, soon kids of next generation will ask What is that Box, may be we will answer E-mail from your grandparents era.

Time has come for us to act to bring change in our country. Governments, as always introduces rules and regulations, however, it’s we as law abiding citizens, who should follow them. In both case mentioned above, it is not governments who should go around and check what’s going on, but it is we should be aware of doing such activities. As we saw that tissue paper there, a friend tried to take it out from there.

Wake up people, we need to change ourselves in order to make our country better.

Jai Nepal

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