Jul 22

Bungamati, earthquake, nepal,

Untill when it will be kept like this

After the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal on 25th April, many people formed groups visiting quake hit areas and villages providing relief materials. Most of these groups were distributing tents for shelter and foods for the earthquake victims.

At the same time, we too had a group of friends from the field photography, both professionals and some as a hobbyist brought together by Ajay Rana Bhat. After seeing some badly hit towns like Bungamati and Shakhu, we decided to go there to make aware about sanitation and health issues while they are staying at tents. They named their group “Desh lai hamro khaacho cha” (The country needs us).

A few days after the quake Ajay, Bishokha Mulmi, Bishal Gautam and Abhishek Shah along with a few volunteers made their base at Bungamati to help the effected families to help them recover their grains and food from the demolished houses.
They made temporary shelter houses there and later went to Chattre Deurali, Dhading to make more temporary shelters. The project is still on out there till date. After 80 days from of the first earthquake, there are places and people where the presence of the government is almost zero, many people are out of reach from the relief program and at places the programs are poorly managed.

Our group consisting of photography enthusiasts decided to use our favourite tool, the camera, to bring about a change. As history has that photographs are the best means to bring revolutionary changes to the society, spread awareness, and knock the doors of governments. We have seen the lives of people have been changed by powerful photographs and cover stories.

We moved ahead with the theme “A step for change through photography”. We plan to visit different earthquake affected places to collect stories, to listen to problems people are facing and how their lives have changed after earthquake and present it though photography. You can visit “The country needs us” page for more information on our activities.

Here I have some pictures which I took during our visit to Bungamati.

The Country Needs Us, and we are here to make the difference


At this age, she is trying to make tent to cover the demolish house to save from rain

There are many things which can be reused during the rebuilding process, who is going to protect them?

She build a 2 room temporary shelter infront of her house which need to be demolish.

She still runs her tea shop from temporary shelter and it is called Mother Nepal’s tea house

Beautiful art under rubble

After 2 months we are still seeing them

The beauty is still there, need to preserve them

He deserve a better home than that bamboo shelter

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