Jul 01

Roopai ashar 15 nepal dhanding chattre deurali

As the monsoon arrives, most of the farmers get bussy for the preparation for the roopai (rice plantation). In Nepal Ashar 15 is celebrated as the day for rice plantation, it is also popularly known as dahi chiura khane din (yogurt and beaten rice eating day).
The fun part of this festival is that all family members and neighbors get together to help in the plantation of rice for each other’s fields. It shows the unity among the people and how they help each other’s is good and bad times.

Here are some pictures captured at chattre deurali, Dhading. This village was also one of the effected area of recent Gorkha earthquake. My fellow photographer friends Mr. Ajay Ranabhat, Mr. Bishal Gautam, Mr. Bishokha and Mr. Abhishek Shah with few more social workers are involved in constructing houses for the  family who’s house went down due to the earthquake.

Seeing the smile on the face of these people even after a tragic moment couple of months back, it showed how strong these people are and how quickly they are getting back to their normal life.
Here are some picture of roopai and their smile which will make you to give them a smile back.

Hand in hand we stand

ramailo ni laai ra cha, aakha ma hilo parla bhaane dar ni cha

kei ramailo paal

thakai laagyo

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