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An unplanned trip to Hasi Tole, Chaaimale

Villages of Lalitpur District and Bagmati river

At least one Saturday in a month me and my friends plan for a photography trip. Sometime it’s some monument inside the Kathmandu valley or some villages near by. Last month we went to Nallu in Lalitpur and a newly established Pathibhara temple there.

In that trip, I could not capture the things that I wanted to, so felt lazy to write a blog on it. But now I felt guilty that at least I should have written a brief travel story on that trip.

This Saturday on 8th April, we had a photo shoot plan of our friends, but due to technical problem we had to cancel it. Since we were already out from home with our cameras, we planed to go to Markhu via Pharping. I had already been to Markhu and Kulekhani dam before, so I had already created some imaginary angle to capture the Indra Sarowar lake.

As we headed towards to Markhu through Dakshinkali road. On reaching police check point at Pharping, we came to know that the road towards to Kulekhani Dam is block for road maintenance and we were asked to take another road via Sisneri. As we headed towards Sisneri, we noticed that the road was not good enough for a safe ride. On reaching Chhaimale we abandoned our plan towards Kulekhani Dam and took a detour towards a village nearby.

This village is called Hasi Tole on top of the hill from where we can see the Bagmati river, Kathmandu valley and village of Lalitpur district. An one old man told us that when Singh Durbar was on fire during the 1973s he could see smoke from the hill top.

This place was also hit hard by the 2015 earthquake and few houses were down. People were complaining that government relief program is not effective, and there were some sad stories from villagers.
We stopped at one house where there were some kids playing, did some portrait shot of these kids and some old ladies.

I hope it will be fun to travel through this road in a few years’ time and since the road is getting expanded it will help in the development of this area. The road traffic is increasing in this route as it is the shortest road to reach the Terai from Kathmandu.

An Old lady telling me her story, her house was destroyed by earthquake

Kathmandu valley as seen from the village


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