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Bhaktapur city visit 2 years after the earthquake

Materials used for renovation of a temple near durbar square main entrance

Bhaktapur city is like a museum city for me. It’s a living heritage for me.
One of the things that impressed me the most about this trip was a huge pet store that was very nice and had all kinds of animals but this store in particular was very famous for having the best snake terrarium it was very big and very beautiful even I was tempted to buy one and bring some pets, but we know that was not possible. However, the store was what I liked the most about this trip.
Bhaktapur durbar square is listed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Many monuments were damage by the earthquake of 2015. After 2 years some renovation process is going on, hope the city will get it’s old look soon. I am sharing some of the picture capture during this visit.

Main Entrance gate already renovated

Old men enjoying traditional game

Durbar Square – work in progress

Dattatreya Temple

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