Nov 05

Every year there is a rally going around the city during the first day of Nepal Sambat. Lots of people from Newar community take part in the rally with traditional Newari dress .

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Apr 14

biska, bisket, bhaktapur, new year, jatra, festivals, lyosing, lyosingkhel, newars,

Bisket Jatra at bhaktapur is celebrated for 9 days, on the last day of the year a linga is elevated at Lyosingkhel . It is important to know that if you want to go and celebrate 9 days you need to be healthy otherwise you will not last the 9 days in a row so before going you can start taking some  of the best testosterone booster, a supplement that can increase muscle mass, strength, and sex drive so it will help you enjoy the celebration.

The task of elevating the linga is very risky. Needs lots of engineering. Even in this morden era, these festivals are celebrated using the ancient technology. I never had the chance to witness this event before. This year I got the opportunity to see and capture some beautiful pictures. The people that is in charge of elevating the linga needs to be most of the time men  because is needed  lot of strength to do it, thats why im pretty sure they use some testosterone booster that help build muscular strength and endurance.

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Apr 11

bisket, jatra, bhaktpaur, thaumadi, chariot, festivals, nepal

Pictures of Bisket Jatra from Thaumadi, Bhaktapur. It’s always fun to watch this festival as the chariot is pulled from 2 side. It’s like watching a tug or war between 2 side of the city .

This time I have tried to capture picture with long exposure to give different feel than the ones I have captured before.

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Oct 31

Nhu daya bhintuna, nepal sambat, newari, girls, culture, nepal, kathmandu, festival, new year

Every year Newar community from different places of Nepal celebrated the Nepal sambat .  I haven’t got the chance to see the rally form other city but I manage to go to Basantapur at Kathmandu to observe this rally. This year I manage to capture some portraits

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Apr 14

bisket jatra, thimi, sindoore, festivals, nepal, new year

Since the earthquake, every Nepali tried to forget the pain we got from that natural disaster and celebrate every festival with same energy with friends and family. This year every one tried to welcome the new year with new hope and big dreams. Every one participated in the festival to welcome the new year. Here are some picture from the sindoore jatra or Bisket jatra from Thimi .

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Apr 09

A unique way of celebrating new year, which starts 4 days before the Nepali New year. Its a festival where there is rivalry between people participating to pull the chariot upward or downward the Taumadi square at Bhaktapur.

biket jatra, nepal, bhaktapur, festival, newar, new year, naya barsha

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Apr 14

Wishing you a Happy New Year from Thimi
Wish You All Happy New Year

Every community in world celebrates New Year and each of them have their own style to celebrate. In Nepal we celebrate half a dozen New Year and they all have its own identity. Some new year are celebrated by specific community, some by whole nation and some as an international festival.

Today is our National Calendar new year which is called Bikram Sambat (B.S). In Kathmandu valley city like Thimi and Bhaktapur have their own way to celebrate this new year. You can see more information on it on my old blog about how they celebrate in Thimi.

Here are few pictures from the 1st Baisakah 2071 B.S if time permits I will go tomorrow morning to capture some more pictures. Till then Wish you all Happy New Year 2071 B.S and enjoy the pictures.

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