Jan 19

Majestic Mount Ama Dablam

Day 4, 18th November 2018

Our trek towards Gokyo started from Namche at 8 in the morning. We packed few of our unwanted cloths in a bag and left it at hotel. Looking at Mr. Ajay condition yesterday, we were not sure if he can manage to walk for hours. Still we planned to stay at Dole today which is situated at 4230 meters.

Walking trails from Namche till Kyangjuma was wide enough to walk and nicely paved, thorough the trail we could see the beauty Mount Ama Dablam. It took almost 2 hours to reach Kyangjuma where we had tea and took short break. When returning back I made up my mind that I will stay here to do my night photography.

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Dec 22
Khumjung Village and Majestic Mount Ama Dablam

Day 3 , 17th November 2018.

We planned to stay at Namche for acclimatization to avoid mountain sickness. So, we planned to go around Namche Bazar. After having our breakfast at hotel, we went to museum. It was an informative tour for me as there were lots of things to see. We came to know about the history of Namche, Khunde and Khumjung village and how few people worked to save the environment and develop the Namche . The pictures there showed how the glaciers have changed in last few decades.

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Dec 10

Namche Bazar, Clouds, landscape, everest

Namche Bazar under the clouds

Trekking has been like a addiction to me. After doing Annapurna Base camp and Tilicho Lake, I always wanted to do at least one trekking at Khumbu area.

For me, I think I need to dream about it and after sometime the doors to that dream will opens. Same thing happens to me this time. I was planning to go trekking to Langtang area with my friend Akash, but same time I got a call from my friend from India Mr. Ajay that he is taking 2 weeks leave from his flying job and wants to trek with me to Everest base camp.

Akash didn’t want to go this time due to his busy schedule during the time Ajay set for trekking. So me and Ajay were ready to explore the Khumbu area. Since Ajay is not a good walker, I wanted to get some suggestion from my friend who is a guide and do lots of trekking there. So, I planned to meet Mr. Samde Sherpa.

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May 19

Lake, tilicho, nepal, highest, alttitude, frozen

Tilicho Lake

A destination many imagine to reach but only a few make it. Tilicho lake is situated at 4919 meters above the sea level under Annapurna range at the Himalayas. It is situated at Manang district of Nepal. It was one of my to-do list for years.

This year I had my friends coming back home from Australia for their vacation. It’s been years that I have not met them. To make this meet a memorable one, we planned to trek. We had few options like Annapurna Base Camp, Gokyo Re and Tilicho Lake. As I have already been to Annapurna Base camp, and due to time constraints for Gokyo Re, we planned to go to Tilicho lake.

On 10th may 2016, we headed towards Besi Sahar, small town from where the trek for the Annapurna circuit starts. One of our friend who has had a problem riding a bus, because of vehicle sickness took his motorbike for this trip. While going to besi sahar, in the bus we met few people who were also going for the same trek, as we talked to the driver of the bus, we came to know that now a days there has been an off road track has been open till Khangsar village. Mahindra’s bolero pickup van are doing up and down every day carrying people and goods and making people life easy on these remote area.

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