Apr 25

Photo sent for competition
Picture Sent for Competition

I am one of the enthusiast photographer who frequently roam around places and take pictures and post them in social networking sites to get people’s view on my photography. I always wished if I can earn some money from it or at least it get published in some newspapers or website.
I have seen few of my photographs being used in different site and shared in Facebook by different users. Some asked for permission from me by contacting me personally, some just gave credit to me and I found some erasing my watermark and using it.

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Apr 17

Bisket Jatra festival in Thimi
It’s the biggest day for the people of Thimi

The 2nd day of Thimi’s bisket jatra starts early morning. It’s fun to be watch locals carrying the god’s chariot on their shoulders. Whole Thimi’s street turns into orange on this day. It’s a hard work to take pictures in such crowd where the road is small and lots of colour powder are flying.

I capture some moments in my camera, hope it will make you feel that you were at Thimi to celebrate this festival.

Here goes one of the many chariots we see on the day

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Apr 14

Wishing you a Happy New Year from Thimi
Wish You All Happy New Year

Every community in world celebrates New Year and each of them have their own style to celebrate. In Nepal we celebrate half a dozen New Year and they all have its own identity. Some new year are celebrated by specific community, some by whole nation and some as an international festival.

Today is our National Calendar new year which is called Bikram Sambat (B.S). In Kathmandu valley city like Thimi and Bhaktapur have their own way to celebrate this new year. You can see more information on it on my old blog about how they celebrate in Thimi.

Here are few pictures from the 1st Baisakah 2071 B.S if time permits I will go tomorrow morning to capture some more pictures. Till then Wish you all Happy New Year 2071 B.S and enjoy the pictures.

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Mar 27

Bayon Temple, Siem Reap

It’s been a long time that I planned to travel and this time I did manage to do some travelling. I had planned to go to Myanmar this time, but due to some technical problems I could not; but instead made a memorable trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia and Roi Et city and the village around it in Thailand. This time I had my friend Mr. Hoan from Vietnam to travel with me.

My last visit to Siem Reap was not quite satisfactory to me as I had missed visiting many monuments due to lack of proper information. This time around, I did not want to miss a single monument and capture them through my lens. I had heard about the sunrise at Angkor Wat was amazing to see. So, one of my main objective of this trip was to get there and capture and feel the early morning moment.

In some of the blogs and articles it was mentioned that at this time there are very few people around but when I reach there I got to know what few people really meant. It was already over crowded but was less than the crowd I saw during the daytime in my last visit. Some photographers were already position for their best shot and I had to adjust with some of them with the space left over there.

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Mar 06

Happy Maha Shivaratri

Pashupatinath Temple situated at Kathmandu, Nepal. It is dedicated to Hindu lord of destruction Lord Shiva is one of the biggest Hindu Shrine in the world which attracts millions of Hindu devotee from around the world. On Maha Shivaratri thousands of Hindu devotee and Sadhu from Nepal and India visit the temple. This year I could only capture some pictures due to my time limitation. There are no any story this time to write about.

Enjoy the Colors of Sadhu with my photography.

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Jan 04

The Rock Pub, Bangkok

Without music, life would be dull. Music has all the taste according to your mood. When there is a celebration time, music is always on, and guess what people says? Let’s rock man. Bangkok city is full of entertainment of all kinds. It is your choice which one you would love to take as your source of entertainment.

I have always been a rocker. Since the first day I have came to Bangkok, I always looked for a place where they have live music or a place where they play rock music. At the beginning of my days in Bangkok, I was somewhat frustrated, as I did not go out too much and so had no idea where they play such type of music which was according to my taste.

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Nov 01

Province of Kanchanaburi - Thailand


I had a week long vacation this time; and due to the vacation being very short, I could not to go Nepal to celebrate Tihar. So there were few options for me to go around in this free time. I had plans to go Burma (Myanmar) or Seam Reap, Cambodia. However, due to tight budget I had to abandon it as well.

Still I wanted to go some new places near Bangkok for photography. There is a train station near my hostel, Thonburi railway station. Since the day I arrived Bangkok, I wanted to take that train ride. Therefore, I thought this is the week I will make that dream trip.

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