Lumbini, popularly known as the birth place of Lord Buddha, The Light of Asia, founder of Buddhism. This was my second visit to Lumbini, many years ago I was there, and I have some vivid images of that World Heritage site. This trip to lumbini was a short and a quick one.
I heard so many things about this place after it was placed in World heritage site by UNESCO. They said that there is a rapid change and the place looks really beautiful.
I was very much excited to go there once I heard about Lumbini.
Once I reach Lumbini I could not stop my emotions, I got impressed by Lumbini. In coming years it will be one of the main tourist attraction of Nepal. I found a huge difference there, when I compared the current lumbini with vivid image I had in my memory when I visited that place 20 years ago. There were some research going on, digging were going on I guess as we saw only the old remains of some building there, the park was not like as it is now, I think there was only one temple, Now they have plan to make each temple from different country and already half a dozen countries have already made temples under their country name. The temples are really attractive. The German and the Thai temples are really WOW. I think Korean temple will look better after it is completed.
New Year’s eve, it is the day when most of our friends meet all together and enjoy. Yesterday night also most of us joined at my house. Since the guys are getting busy, it’s hard to organize such get together, but finally we did it this year too.
My dad always joins us and he plays his mouth harmonica and keyboard. He made all of us dance, but before that he played the tempo music of Jingle Bells from keyboard many times, and everyone was singing that song, so finally we decided to give the theme of the last year New Years Eve party as Jingle Bells, this name was suggested by my friend/brother Sakil.
If Rajesh, Liska were not there, then the party would not have been so successful. Thanks for them for cooking all the food (do I need to thank other guys by naming them and what did they do). We really missed some of our friends this year as some of them are abroad and few could not make it because of some problem.
Last day of the year, my friend Sameer asked, “aren’t you going to write something in your blog?”, I said what to write, I have nothing in my mind right now. He suggested me to write a review on the year 2007. I did not give a second thought and straight away told him; ok I will write and post it.
Let me start with why I wanted to start my blog. I always wanted to give my views, share my idea and give comments. I even talked about making such website many years back, but due to some technical problems I could not make such website. Finally I thought of making my own website this year and start blogging.
I got one forwarded mail, it was with a moral story which i liked very much. I wanted to share that story with you guys, so i am posting it here.
Story by Anonymous
A successful business man was growing old and knew it was time to chose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different.
He called all the young executives in his company together. “It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO,” he said. “I have decided to choose one of you.”
The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued. “I am going to give each one of you a seed today – a very special seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO.”
We can see lots of street kids basically homeless children roaming in our city. These kids stay in groups. They come to city in search of better life as most of them come from remote areas of Nepal. The places from where they come have less opportunity. The other reason they come to city is because they are driven out form their house by their step mother or some other family related problems. After they reach the city many try to get work, the lucky ones get jobs at tea shops as a helper, as bus or tempo or micro bus conductors and luckier one are kept as a house workers and helpers.
What about the unlucky ones?
The unlucky ones are forced to sleep on the street, run towards dumping site to collect plastic, glass bottles which they collect and sale to scrap shop to earn some money and kill their hunger. They are not always lucky enough to make money out of such dumps to kill their hunger. They are not going to be scoring a good job anytime soon, even if they managed to mask the drugs in their system with products from sites like, they just look like street kids and therefore won’t be given the light of day. They are forced to beg or get into pick pocketing. Sometimes, they fight among each other and steal friends’ money but still they are seen together walking around corners of Kathmandu’s streets. We can even see them begging, especially with the tourist as they know most of Nepalese people won’t give them a single paisa.
Now-a-days, we can see that these street kids have developed a new kind of addiction. Their addiction is towards the odor that comes from some adhesive which are mostly used in making leather shoes. In Nepal they are commonly known as “Dendrite” by the name of the company that produces them.
It seems like the drama of Nepal’s politic is going to have THE END very soon. Since the Maoist big mouths have spoke out that they need to coordinate with the royalist people for the long term peace, progress of Nepal and to bring the dream of NEW NEPAL into reality.
I have been saying about Round Table Talk of 7 parties, royalist parties and the King since the success of the 2nd people’s movement. May be my voice was not heard that time, even i have posted about it on BBC’s website ” Have Your Say” and they even called me up that interview me about it. I have posted that in my earlier post. (CLick here to read from BBC’s website)
Now I think Maoist already know that without the help of the royalist they cannot have peace in Nepal. I am sure someday soon the remaining parties will also come in front and say ” yes, Prachanda ji is now right, we did a big mistake by not involving them”. What we general people want is that we need peace in our country, we want to walk safe.
Advertising boards are one of the major components of modern era’s marketing system alongside with vehicle branding (check out Fleet Wrap HQ to get best vehicle wraps in Denver). These boards are made to make aware people about the product or give public information. Our city Kathmandu has also lots of such advertising boards and it is increasing tremendously day by day. Our city is known as one of the ancient and beautiful city in the world, so many Kathmandu valleys’ landmarks are listed in world heritage by UNESCO, but the way we see these boards hanging around the roof and the wall of the city’s building, it is losing the identity of Kathmandu as a beautiful city.
Thapathali crossing, Buildings with Advertising Boards
As we pass by some major market and roads crossing, the unsystematic and unscientific advertising boards are really making this city look ugly.
I support Local Empowerment. So, I’m sharing this Everest Base Camp Trek to promote a new way of trekking where trekkers can empower the local service providers like lodges, guides and porters by booking services directly through them. #empoweringthehimalayas #freetriptoeverest
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