Oct 11

By Sudheer Sharma

On the northern corner of West Bengal state of India , there is a hill station– Kalimpong, which once hosted celebrities from all over the world. The hill town, where most of the settlers are of Nepali origin, no longer retains its old charm. But until a few weeks ago the last prime minister of a country—that has lost its independence—used to live here. Kazi Lhendup Dorji, who died on 28 July this year at the ripe old age of 103, had played a pivotal role in the merger of Sikkim into India.

Dorji is seen as a ‘traitor’ in the contemporary history. He lived, and died, with the same ignominy. “Everybody accuses me of selling the country. Even if it is true, should I alone be blamed?” he asked me, when I met him in Kalimpong in November 1996. But the allegation of ‘betrayal’ towards one’s own motherland was so powerful that Dorji could no more lead an active political life. He spent his solitary life at the ‘Chakung House’ in Kalimpong for several decades. Few people chose to remember Kazi when he passed away nor took pain to recall his life and times.

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Oct 11

Kumari Ghar during Indra Jatra festival
Kumari Ghar

The people of Kathmandu valley celebrated the 250th Indra Jatra this year. Indra Jatra is one of the important Jatra (festival) celebrated in Kathmandu Valley. However, like most festivals of Nepal, both Hindus and Buddhist unite to celebrate the festival of Indra Jatra. The living Goddess Kumari is taken out in a procession in a chariot. King of Nepal pay a visit to Kumari on the first and last day of this festival. This festival is celebrated for 1 week, couple of weeks before the biggest hindu festival Dashain.

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Oct 01

By Ashish Regmi
Melbourne, Australia

Nepal my motherland still cry’s, unable to comprehend the suffering of her children at the hands of her own. The cycle of political instability over the past two decade has pushed our country into a divided nation. The country is now riddled with divides at every level.

Why? Who is to blame? All of us have our own opinions of where to point the fingers at when it comes to this chaotic situation but is it only the royal regime, the Maoist revolution,the corrupted politician or India always waiting to pounce it claws and stir instability or even the international community with its double standard ever changing policies.

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Oct 01

Who are YCL to take action on the Royalist and the active people during the King’s Coup?  It seems like Maoist dose not want peace in this country and they still have a master plan inside them to take over this country forcefully and bring complete communisms. I don’t understand why they want to take action on these people.

Have they ever realized what happen if the entire Maoist affected people start same thing against the Maoist leaders? Maoist also gave hard time to so many innocent general public, they have killed so many innocent people, and they have captured their lands, seized house, looted money.

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Sep 29

It’s a day when all Hindu devotees worship Lord Krishna. It’s the day when Lord Krishna came to this world. In Kathmandu, many people visit the Krishna Temple, pupularly known as “Krishna Mandir”, situated at Patan Durbar Square. These picture were taken at night, and it’s really the best time to visit this temple, the environment is really very good.


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Sep 29

Pictures Taken During Janai Purnima at Khumbheshwore Temple. This temple is one of the popular destination on this particular day.

Kumbheshwor Temple

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Sep 26

Yesterday, during Kumari Jatra or Indra Jatra, we witnessed our new monarch Sri 8 Maharajadhiraj Girija Babu. I never saw any of our prime ministers been escorted that way with so many convoy ahead and behind his vehicle. Traffic was halted and on top of that it was raining many people faced traffic jams. I too was stuck in that very traffic jam and every one was not happy with that act of our Prime Minister.

We still have King in our nation, he is not yet striped from his post, and the current parliament even can not do so as they have mention in new constitution that they will decide the future role of the king after CA polls.

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