Sep 24

We all were waiting for the result of the Indian idol 3, when Darjeeling’s Prashant Tamang was crowned Indian Idol 3, the first thing as a gift of being Indian idol was a Nepali Dhaka Topi from his mother. That is so emotional moment for all the Nepali I guess, it is the identity of being Nepali.


Where ever you live in this earth, but the Khukuri and Dhaka topi had always been Nepali’s identity in this world. No one will ask u from where you come from if you are wearing Dhaka Topi and Khukuri, they will straight away ask you, ” are you Nepali?” they won’t bother to ask you, If you are from Nepal, Darjeeling, Sikkim or Bhutan.
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Sep 21

At present, if we go through our country Nepal’s condition, it is the worst condition that general public faced. No doubt the lives of the villagers were worst, but now the people living in the cities are having the worst time of their life.

Every day we are having protest and rallies which has been disturbing the traffic movement, no gasoline for vehicles and cooking, Riots for small cause. It’s really unsafe to walk even, you don’t know when riots will start and you have to run to save your life.

We really are not able to move ahead for the development of the country, after the 1991 people’s movement, when King Birendra gave power to the public, people could see some rays showing path for the development of the Nation, but before the development could take its full speed, many obstacle came. No political stability, the Maoist insurgency, Massacre in Royal Place. These are the major problem that Nepal faced after King handed democracy to the nation.

We have been hearing the saying “ROME WAS NOT BUILD IN ONE DAY”, exactly we cannot progress over night and give Nepal a status of develop country. We cannot dream Nepal moving towards progress until and unless there is a stable government, Peace in the country and a good law system.

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Sep 13

Nepal Television is a government own TV Channel of Nepal. It’s used to be a sole Nepali TV channel for long time. This channel has helped Nepali to learn many things for many years and it gave many ideas about Nepal’s religion, culture, society, villages, and Life style of different part of Nepal to people who wanted to know about Nepal.

But since last year especially from the 2nd people’s movement, there have been certain changes in Nepal television too; it has become democratic in different way. It has forgotten that it is a national channel and government own, it has many responsibility towards Nation.

I felt bad when I saw the newsreader in this channel wearing western dress. Previously they used to wear our national dress Daruwa Suruwal by men and Sari by woman. Is this what we wanted as a change, as a New Nepal?

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Sep 03

A decade back, when I used to hear news about Srilanka, Peru, Afghanistan I used to thank myself that I am living in a safe heavenly Nation called Nepal, but after listening to the news what happen yesterday in Kathmandu, it really made me sad. Am I safe in Kathmandu now? Throughout the Maoist revolution period Kathmandu was not this much terrified as it is now, but now it is unsafe to live for general unarmed public?

The news from Srilanka, Peru and Afghanistan a decade ago used to surprise me, every day I used to hear lots of people being killed in a bomb blast, lots of people been kidnapped, and now it is happening in my own country, it’s a daily news of Nepal at present. Nepal used to be a peaceful country, now it is burning hell. I am sure people who have been to Nepal a decade ago will get surprised to see Nepal as good as heaven turning into a Hell.

My mind is asking me, are we going to be next Srilanka, Afghanistan or Iraq? Will bomb blast, kidnapping will go on every day here? Will we have to live in terror every day? Will we ever again get a chance to breath in peace again? Will our parents have to worry every time when we get out of our house? Nepal was terrified by Maoist activities for last 10 yrs, and now when we thought of having a long time peace, and even one of the terai activist party came to agreement with the government, new problem came out, is this what we looked in democracy?

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Aug 30

When I was in junior class, there was a Nepali book Mahendra Mala published by Janak Sishya Samagri Kendra which is a government owned publishing house. There was a chapter about Gods. In that chapter there was some picture of all the gods from all religion and the chapter was about that there is just one god and different religion gave different name to the god.

The time when I was in junior class, Nepal was under His Majesty’s Government and was the only Hindu Kingdom in this world. If the government wanted then it would have just gave us a lesson through that book that only Hindu religion is good, all other religion is not that good as our religion, our god is great, but we were not taught that. The book and the teachers taught us that there is one god who is known to us by different names in different religion.

Why Nepal needed to be made secular country, what benefits did we get? A decade back, off course the government policy was to stop people from changing religion, but with the new constitution that rule has be abolish, people are free to change their religion.

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Aug 15

Nepal’s political demonstration and burning tire had been synonyms to each other. Tire is always related to political demonstration and protest in Nepal. I have been seeing the burning of tire in Nepal since the 1990’s people movement. Many questions are raised for the effects on public health due to tire burning. Even the parliament took decision to not to burn tire for protest and demonstration, but the same parties who passed that resolution are burning tires in every demonstration that they make.

burning-tiers.jpgPeople of Nepal already accepted the dirty politics going on in Nepal, now we are forced to accept the dirty air to breath, they have made the natural environment also dirty, the air we inhale to live is impure, don’t know what that air is going to effect in our health.

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Aug 14

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but its sinking
And racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in the relative way, but you’re older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I’d something more to say

Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
And when I come home cold and tired
Its good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells.

The above lyric is from the song “TIME” by Pink Floyd from their album Dark Side of The Moon. I feel this lyric has so many things to tell. I have heard so many songs, but the lyric of this song has special place in my heart. It’s not about a love song to memories to remember your girlfriend. This lyric is more than a love; it is above all the lyrics I have heard. I would like to keep this lyric above all the lyrics that have been written and that will be written in future. It is the most inspirational lyrics that the world will listen to.

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