Jul 01

Roopai ashar 15 nepal dhanding chattre deurali

As the monsoon arrives, most of the farmers get bussy for the preparation for the roopai (rice plantation). In Nepal Ashar 15 is celebrated as the day for rice plantation, it is also popularly known as dahi chiura khane din (yogurt and beaten rice eating day).
The fun part of this festival is that all family members and neighbors get together to help in the plantation of rice for each other’s fields. It shows the unity among the people and how they help each other’s is good and bad times.

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Jun 26


windows 10, windows 8 ,desktop, background,

Nepal is beautiful, I have made a Windows Desktop background with the pictures that I have taken. It is a collection of picture of heritage site of Nepal. Please click the above picture to download the background for your Desktop.


Jun 13

Some of Kathmandu valley’s heritage sites were damaged due to Barpak earthquake 2015. we still have many heritage sites to cherish on as only few of them were damaged or turned into rubble. I want to post some picture of few heritage sites before and after shots here.

barpark earthquake nepal 2015 april 25 heritage kathmandu swayambhu


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May 05

I am still here, i am your Hope I am your dream I am your eyes of peace

25th April 2015, marked as a black day in the history of Nepal as we were struck by a 7.9 magnitude earthquake. I want to write my experience on this but i don’t have words to describe it.

It’s the day we lost our ancient culture and heritage. Beside the human casualties, we lost many of our Temples, Palace and small town full of history.

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Mar 05

Youth enjoying the Holi festival in Kathmandu Durbar SquareHappy Holi

It’s been 4 years that I have not observed the festival of Holi at Kathmandu. Heard that since last year the trend of Holi has changed. So this year I could not stop myself from taking out my camera and take a walk around the city.

As I went to Basantapur, it was a different scenario. I have never seen such a crowd gathering at the durbar square to celebrate Holi. Live music, DJ’s, colors and water what else people need to celebrate this festival of colors.

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Mar 01

Indra sarovar lake

Indra Sarovar is also known as largest man made lake in Nepal constructed at the deep gorge between Markhu and Kulekhani Village development committee. It was built by the Kulekhani Hydro Project and it is 7km long lake.

Due to road construction in recent years, it’s becoming one of the favourite tourist destination among the people of Kathmandu. It’s just 40 Km from Balkhu, Kathmandu. It’s getting popular as a hiking destination also. The lake itself is popular for fish farming and hope in near future it will be a very popular destination for internal and external tourist.

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Feb 22

Poverty, begger's kids and their education

Today I went to Swayambhunath temple for some photography. It is one of the popular destination for tourist and a holy place for Hindu and Buddhist followers. One of the common thing that we see in temples of Nepal is beggars and now a days we see lots of beggars from India begging.

As I was returning, I saw some beggars on the stairs, two of the lady were breast feeding the small baby. There were few others kids too who were playing and 2 of these kids caught my eye. They had a piece of newspaper and they were mumbling. At first I thought they were reading some words from the newspaper, but when I had a close look that the paper it was upside down.

I tried to talk to them in Hindi, they said they were reading from news paper, they know how to read and they go to school also. Looking at their activities, it is clear that they don’t know how to read or write. But it shows that they want to study and want to go to school.

I felt bad when I saw this incident, I don’t care about they are from India or Nepal, but the rights of any children to go to school and study should be protected. Wish some organization working on children should take some action on such matter.

The video is here.

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