Sep 24

Hisila Yami, Babu Ram Bhattrai, Michelle Obama and Barack ObamaPicture taken from

We all Nepali have a positive thinking about our current Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. He is currently in official visit to United State to attend United Nations General assembly. His party is still listed as terrorist by the American government but he is in official visit to USA as a Nepali Prime Minister.

All the Nepalese are happy to have him as a prime minister as we hope he can do something for this country. His wife Mrs. Hisila Yami is also communist leader who was a minister in previous government of Nepal.

Today I saw a picture of this lovely couple taken during their meeting with The President of the United States Mr. Barak Obama and his wife. It’s saddening the way our Prime Minister and his wife dressed up. The world knows Nepal as the country which has multi diversity in culture and tradition. We have so many ethnic dresses and just few weeks ago the country had a debate on which dress should be called national dress.

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Aug 20

Ayutthaya historical garden - Thailand

Ayutthaya historical garden

The city of Ayutthaya was founded in 1350 by King U Thong and it was named after the city of Ayodhya in India where Lord Ram of the Hindu epic “Ramayan” was born. It is a World Heritage Site.

Before going there I had seen few images from this ruined city with Lord Buddha statue without head. After visiting this place, it was not just about Buddha’s statue, there were many site which were destroyed in the war with Burma (now Myanmar) in 1767. The story of destruction of this city reminded me of the biggest statue of Buddha in Afghanistan which was bombed, rocked and destroyed by the Taliban.

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Jul 30

Now-a-days Facebook is a part of life as so many people love to post message on their wall so that their friends can see them. Some post are personal and some don’t deal with their personal life but informative or awareness type. Today I was going through my Facebook and in one of my friend’s wall I read this:

Facebook status message

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Jul 16

For past few months “For the change Nepal unites” is a popular slogan among the Facebook users of Nepal. As the wind of change wave hit the Middle East for last few month, Nepalese citizen who are aware of what their politicians are doing for the country also thought they need to do something to save the country and started gathering around the constitutional assembly (CA) building at New Baneshwore. Right now I am not in Nepal but on their  first day of protest at CA building I also took  part.

Now this Slogan just did not gather around CA house to aware the politicians, but these enthusiast and energetic youth of Nepal have started a movement to make the people aware saying “We can and We will do it”. This movement has been showing other Nepalese that we are not a citizen of a handicap country; if we have ‘will’ then we can do it.

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May 06

Sangesh shrestha - Auto BookGambhir Man Maskey sir’s tuition and my frens JAM from there we still hold a strong bond

Hey guys remember good old days? I am sure you guys do remember it and wish to get back to that time and feel the moment. During that time many of us used to make a memory book commonly known as AUTO BOOK which we used give our beloved friends to write something that can bond us in future.

Now it’s an era of Facebook and we don’t need such auto book any more, but still memory remains. How many of you guys have gone through that old auto book? How many still has it? How many of you have sold it to “khali sisi poorana kaagaz”? and how many of you after reading this post thought of it and wanted to look it into your store room?

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Apr 10

AFC Challenge Cup 2011

After a long time, I got an opportunity to watch Nepal’s National Team football. This time in my opinion Nepal faced a strong team. It is a team who played 2010 FIFA world cup in South Africa and they recently got back from Asia Cup 2010.

I thought Nepal will try their best effort to not to concede many goals as they have been doing it in past with strong teams of Asia. This time my thoughts went all wrong. They showed the Nepali fans that they are capable of playing a good game.

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Mar 22
Bhairab Naach - Festival of the Newar community in Pokhara

Bhairab Naach – Festival of the Newar community in Pokhara

Where ever there is a Newar community you will experience different kind of festivals. The Newar’ festival is not only limited to just Kathmandu Valley, but they have taken their culture to different places in Nepal where they have settled from many generations.

This festival of Pokhara is unique in itself. It had a documented history of more than 270 years, but locals say it existed from more than that time period. Previously, this festival was celebrated in every 12 years’ time but now they celebrate this in every 6 years.

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