Mar 20

lele, earthquake, victim, old, man

Earthquake Victim telling his story, at background his empty land where he used to have two story house

Lele is a small village south to Kathmandu valley. Many years ago during the Maoist insurgency I had gone there with my friends, but since Maoist activities were at high at that time, we were not able to explore the place.

After many years, I planned to go there for some photography with my friends. From the Lele bus park, we headed towards south and climbed a small hill where there was a small settlement of roughly 12 to 15 house.

We got busy in capturing some landscape and portrait of the place. While taking one of the portraits of an old man, he came up and asked if we were from media who came to their village to cover the story on earthquake victims.

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He started telling his story how the house went down and how the villagers help him to resettle. When I asked about his kids, he said they all are abroad, and now they say that they will try to earn more to make the house.

His main complaint was on the government relief package for the victims which they promised immediately after the natural disaster. He said that the previous government (when Late Mr. Sushil Koirala was Prime Minister) he got 15,000 and one foreigner who visited his village provided some material to make a temporary house.

He said that he is still waiting for a full relief package that government will provide and he don’t have any idea when he will get it.

This is one story that I came across. This village is an hour drive from Lagankhel which is one the business hub in Kathmandu valley. There must be thousands of such story which we are not aware of. There are so many places which is not accessible by roads which were badly affected by the earthquake.

I hope the current government will leave all their political agenda behind and work together will local people in restoring the life of the earthquake victims to normal and work in fast pace in restoring the historical monuments of our nation.

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