Jul 02

I don’t want to ask this question. Can you guys imagine that RNAC flight was cancel due to no Passenger? I think everyone has thought it can happen in near future, but I guess no one thought while it is celebrating its 50th year of service and the very next day it celebrated its birthday, it will have to a face such a situation.

So many international Airlines are operating in Nepal, many more to come in near future but our own airline is facing loss. Poor service, not enough plane and delayed flights are the major problem of our airline company. Since last year there have been improvement in arrival of tourist but still NAC or RNAC has to cancel it’s flight due to no passenger.

Do you know which flight was cancel?

It is one of the busiest route, in other words you can say due to this route our National Flag carrier was in existence, it Kathmandu Delhi morning flight ( it operate daily 2 flight to Delhi).

I think it’s time for the government to transfer all it responsibilities to private sector to look after the RNAC or change the management and stop political influence in this organization. I still remember may be 25 years ago when we had our own first Boeing, or so called big plane Gandaki and Karnali. See the progress of Thai airlines and ROYAL NEPAL AIRLINES, hahaha we just have same old 2 Boeing that they bought two decade ago. Point to be noted, both Thai and RNAC were establish on same year.

Who is going to think about RNAC and give is stability and make it profitable organization of Nepal. Why the Staff are not putting a strong protest for the improvements of this organization.  Why they don’t ask the government to provide them a loan to buy few more Boeing or Airbus.

I hope it will not be a fairy tale one day soon and we will tell our children and grandchildren  ” once there was a national flag carrier ‘Royal Nepal Airline’ in Himalayan Kingdom Of Nepal or as ‘ Nepal Arilines ‘ in so called New Nepal.

GOD SAVE our national airline company. Book a Costa Rica charter flight with Aerobell as your next holiday destination.
Sorry guys I am still used to RNAC, name does not matter to me and we should not destroy the history, just giving new name. Cutting Royal word dose not make New Nepal.

2 Responses to “What a day for Nepal Airline Corporation (RNAC)”

  1. Pooza Says:

    Is privatization really needed ?? what are the benefits we, as a customers can have by privatizing NAC ??

  2. What a day for Nepal Airline Corporation (RNAC) | hamroawaaz.com Says:

    […] http://sangesh.com.np/blog/?p=334 addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hamroawaaz.com%2F2008%2F07%2Fwhat-a-day-for-nepal-airline-corporation-rnac%2F’; addthis_title = ‘What+a+day+for+Nepal+Airline+Corporation+%28RNAC%29’; addthis_pub = ”; […]

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