Dec 05

I have always dreamed of taking picture of fireworks, and finally i could take some on Thailand’s King birthday celebration. Don’t know how perfect are they technically but at least i could capture some fireworks over the sky. I used 10-24 mm lens and capture from 24 mm and to post here I cropped it. you may see some full size image on my Facebook.

3 Responses to “Thailand’s King birthday celebration Fireworks Pictures”

  1. olga_rani Says:

    Wow, really very beautiful, like fantastic flowers. I love watching fireworks, unfortunately in Nepal it happens not often (you can say never)


    I like so much .It always happen so many in Cambodia.But I still want to see it in Thailand if I have an opportunity.How can I go to visit Thailand , especially on Thailand”s King birthday ?

  3. African Paintings Gallery » Blog Archive » Pictures of king of thailand Says:

    […] Thailand's King birthday celebration Fireworks Pictures | sangesh … Dec 5, 2010 … I have always dreamed of taking picture of fireworks, and finally i could take some on Thailand's … […]

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