Jan 10

From childhood taking Photos from camera was fun for me. I used to click with point and shoot camera, which gradually got upgrade to different types of camera in time frame. SLR was the one camera that I always wanted to have. After the digital revolution in camera, I finally got my DSLR.

Since then photography grew as a passion for me. My friends circle with photography idea were there to teach me, appreciate my work and comment on the picture which I took and there were few friends who always inspire me to take picture and they are the reason why my passion grew so high for photography. Beside my friends I wanted to know other people’s view on my photography, so I started to post my picture in website like 500px, Flickr, Everest uncensored and Facebook page like Image school, Nepalese in photography. These site help me a lot to learn and improve my photography.

Sometime unexpected happens and you get a knock at your door step. Same happen to me. Few months ago I got an e-mail from “100 Wonders of the World”. It is a photo exhibition organized by Art Center at Saint Petersburg Russia. They selected 2 of my picture from 500px.com for the exhibition which strated from 25th December 2014.

It’s really a great honor for me to have my pictures exhibited. I would like to thank Ms. Julia Semenova, curator of the International Photo Festival “100 Wonders of the World” from Saint Petersburg, Russia for selecting my picture.

Link to the picture that got selected



Photo courtesy Ms. Julia Semenova

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